Where Has Your Mojo Gone?
Is your work-life currently mojo-a-go-go, no-go, or somewhere in between?
The topic of lost mojo is coming up more frequently in discussions, articles, and coaching sessions. Reclaiming your mojo after a setback is key for planning a successful return to work. I observe many who are excited about their return-to-work prospects and the future of work, including (especially) those who are working toward a new kind of work-life.
Those who were furloughed, laid-off, or who initiated their own departure from the workforce for a while are asking the question, “Where do I go from here?”
The “YOLO Economy” (you-only-live-once) is overtaking the “side-hustle” movement as people are seriously evaluating their options in the post-pandemic workforce.
As I work with clients who are exploring their options and who feel ready to do some deep personal work, I introduce them to the realm of Self-Perception in the Model of Emotional Intelligence.
How to Reclaim Your Mojo
The following are the initial steps we follow to support them in reclaiming their work-life mojo. These steps can help you as well. I do recommend that you work with a qualified coach through this deep introspection, exploration, and action.
Step ONE: Explore four key components of work-life mojo.
- Knowing yourself well. What are your strengths? How do you perform best? How do you learn best? Include both cognitive and non-cognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills.
- Identifying your core values. Take time to reflect with an exercise to help you articulate your values.
- Determining how your values fit with who you are today – TODAY! Major life events will move you toward re-evaluating some of your values. You need to be aligned with your values with every action you take. Especially, as you approach milestone periods in your life.
- Taking action with purpose, power, and increasing ease. Avoid wasting your time, energy, and other resources with scattered “good” intentions or by chasing shiny objects and get-rich-quick-schemes.
Step TWO: Think about the person you are—what makes you “you”. Knowing who you are in a realistic, positive light, can help you reclaim your mojo. This is where we venture deep into the emotional intelligence realm of Self-Perception: Self-Awareness, Self-Regard, and Self-Actualization.
Ask yourself:
- How have I grown in the last decade? The last year?
- To what extent would I want to trade places with who I was 10 years ago? What about two years ago?
- How much do I romanticize my earlier years? The good ole’ days.
- Who do I think I want to become—and how close am I to becoming my “ideal and best self”?
Because the personal work we do is central to who we think are, exploring and identifying our ideal and best self is an investment with significant return. Your personal work is a purposeful step in becoming and evolving both personally and professionally. When we tap into what motivates us in the here and now, we find passion, energy, and direction.
In my next post, I will go deeper into reaching for optimum work-life mojo.
What do you think? What steps are you taking to reclaim your mojo? Let me know how you are doing. I would like to hear from you. You can reach me on LinkedIn, and on Maestro’s Facebook. Or click to Get in Touch.
- Learn more about the realm of Self-Perception in the model of emotional intelligence and the power of emotional self-awareness, self-regard, and self-actualization.
- Get in Touch to request a copy of my resource for articulating your values.
- Subscribe for updates and receive the EQ Worksheet.
- Check out the THRIVE in Work and LifeTM programs. Check out the online mini-course Your Building Blocks to Emotional Well-Being and Resilience.
Check out articles on "The YOLO Economy". Please note that these publications may request/require subscription.
How will the pandemic-induced ‘YOLO economy’ hit Canada? - Globe and Mail
Welcome to the YOLO Economy - New York Times
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