Life, Work, Business After Cancer

Free Mini Workbook
"Emotions Drive Performance". Accelerate emotional well-being and resilience. Recognize Self-Sabotage.
Women and Cancer - Focus Group Findings
Women in our focus group unanimously agreed that the cancer experience has a major impact on our perception of who we are and how we fit in both our personal and professional lives.
Conversations with women business owners and executives with cancer validate that we experience the typical challenges related to financial well-being, personal and professional relationships, and impact of work on our health with greater intensity than the general population.
We experience debilitating challenges and fears related to confidentiality, status, career momentum, motivation, desire, enthusiasm, confidence, and self-doubt (to name a few). Our challenges and fears are emotionally charged.
60% of individuals with cancer are in the most productive years of their careers
Return-to-work challenges for women executives are high-intensity and emotionally charged
A program designed specifically for women entrepreneurs and executives returning to work during and after cancer treatment
DOWNLOAD DIGITAL BROCHUREWomen and Cancer Focus Group Findings
Conversations with women business owners and executives with cancer validated my experience.
- We experience the typical challenges related to financial well-being, personal and professional relationships, and impact of work on our health with greater intensity than the general population.
- We experience debilitating challenges and fears related to confidentiality, status, career momentum, motivation, desire, enthusiasm, confidence, and self-doubt (to name a few). Our challenges and fears are emotionally charged.
Women in our focus group unanimously agreed that the cancer experience has a major impact on our perception of who we are and how we fit in both our personal and professional lives.
Addressing the Gap and the Impact
The THRIVE Plan coaching program bridges other cancer recovery programs offered to the general population. The program focuses on moving women entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals from coping to thriving and achieving a new level of peak performance and well-being.
Image: Types of Transition and Affect on Performance. COPYRIGHT MAESTRO QUALITY INC. 2017 forward

The THRIVE Plan coaching program addresses the emotional stages and changing support needs that affect the perception of contribution, value, and meaning in the woman's personal and professional lives.
Optimal time to engage in the program
Based on multi-stakeholder research, the optimal time to engage in the Thrive Plan coaching program is during the woman's treatment phase to optimize preparation and readiness to return to work.
Image: Model of Emotional Stages and Changing Support Needs for Return-to-Work After Cancer

"It has been such a rewarding experience, working with Patricia upon my return to work. After my cancer treatments, my mind was confused and I found it difficult to process information. I knew something had to change before my return to a very busy work schedule.
With great compassion and guidance, Patricia helped me regain my self-confidence, continue with my self-care, and integrate the changes I wanted to make to create a better balance in my life. Many of the very practical solutions that she shared with me helped create clarity of mind and allowed me to make sound decisions.
Patricia’s support has made this new chapter in my life more fulfilling, has given me clear direction and has helped me create new standards for my life" — MB, Canada
About the Program
The Thrive Plan coaching program is based on the five realms of emotional intelligence to support women entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals returning to work during or after treatment for cancer. The program provides women with tools and enhanced skills to effectively manage requirements and emotional stages and make their return-to-work experience positive, productive, and rewarding.
The EQ-i 2.0 assessment and a private confidential debriefing is provided prior to beginning the program. The assessment report is used as a tool to focus on areas that will drive effectiveness in sustainable performance upon return to work and accelerated progress toward rejuvenated peak performance.
We will help you develop a business case for submitting to the employer for professional development benefits or to the insurance company and 3rd party case management company to qualify for a claim on disability benefits.
LET US DEVELOP A BUSINESS CASEVideo: Re-Ignite the Desire to Return to Work After Critical Illness. Presented by Patricia A. Muir at the 2017 WBE Canada Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ideal candidates for the program
The program is designed to bridge a particular gap in addressing the specific needs of women entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals returning to work during or after cancer treatment.
Inquire about how the program CAN be adapted and offered to managers, supervisors, and highly-skilled professionals on long-term disability as a result of cancer, other critical illness, and significant life-changing events such as loss and the COVID Pandemic.
Coaching format options for engaging in the program
Individual Private Coaching
Private video conference sessions scheduled to meet individual needs.
Employer Sponsored Coaching
When the employer is sponsoring the coaching agreement, private coaching is supplemented with joint sessions with the authorized employer representative as specified in the contract. The program is customized to meet the needs of the woman and the sponsoring employer in order to optimize employee readiness, employer and workplace readiness, and progress toward coaching objectives.
Group video conference sessions are limited to 8 participants. Group composition is optimized for effective group dynamics based on relevance and similarity of specific needs and challenges. Enrolment is offered monthly, internationally, and with option to supplement or transition to private individual coaching at any time.
Reserve a space on our group wait list and receive an invitation to schedule a no-obligation confidential call to determine if this program is suitable for the participant and stakeholders' objectives.
The program includes use of The Emerson Suite which provides tools based on assessment of job effectiveness, outcomes, objectives/metrics, and action plans.
Developing the Thrive Plan
The personal Thrive Plan is developed and reviewed by the client assisted by coaching to design action, identify supporting structures and resources, accommodation requirements, and align client's peak performance goals with her employer's key performance measurements.
Employer Sponsored Coaching
When the employer sponsors the coaching agreement, the authorized employer representative may have input in developing the plan. To ensure mutual agreement between employer and employee regarding requirements and expectations, the employer receives a summary report identifying key issues and recommendations for developing the Accommodation Plan to support successful return-to-work experience for the employee.
Added Value
Added value services are provided to assist the employee and employer in developing reasonable accommodation and set up ongoing monitoring of accommodation effectiveness and alignment with business objectives.
No risk guarantee
Care and diligence is taken during confidential calls to ensure this program is a good fit for the participant. If the participant feels that this program is not what was expected, she may request a refund via email prior to the 2nd session. Refund will be adjusted for the cost of EQ-i 2.0 assessment.
A full description of the program including benefits to all stakeholders:
- Employers
- Executives
- HR Consultants
- Insurance Providers
- Cancer Advocacy Groups
A full printed presentation folder is available. Call 416-804-4383
We do not spam. Inquiries are confidential.