Accreditations, Qualifications, and Achievements

Accreditations and Qualifications
Personal and professional development is critical in providing high-quality services and programs for my clients. My certification and accreditation in the following complementary disciplines and tools add depth and breadth to my services:
Certified EQi 2.0 and EQ360®/Emotional Power® Coach
- CoachU Certified Graduate
Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Accredited by International Coach Federation (ICF). 2004 to 2022
IQA/IRCA Accredited Lead Assessor for Quality Systems
Information Mapping for Quality Management Systems (Process mapping & documentation)
Certified Effectiveness Coach, The Emerson Suite 2015 to 2020
- Certified Retirement Options® Coach. 2004 to 2022
Certified Thomas International (DISC) Personal Profile
Certified Health and Safety Representative (Ontario Occupational Health and Safety ACT)
Personal Development
Personal development is critical in enhancing expertise to develop and deliver programs that meet the specific needs of women in the workplace:
The Healing Journey - Levels 1, 2, 3. Developed by Alastair Cunningham, O.C., Ph.D., C.Psych. Facilitated at Wellspring Halton-Peel.
Trillium Health Partners
Managing the Stress of Living with Cancer
The Emotional Effects of Cancer
Social Support and Communication
Undergrad Studies of Sociology and Women's Studies. York University, Atkinson College.
Professional Leadership
Chair for the 2005 International Coaching Awareness events in Toronto.
Member of the International Coach Federation - Toronto Chapter, 2004 to 2022.
President and VP of Education in Meadowvale Toastmasters. Adapted Maestro's signature coaching program Develop Your Personal Quality and Leadership and presented as a workshop at the 2007 District 60 Toastmaster’s Spring Conference.
Mentor for the Girl Guides of Canada Girls for Safer Communities program.
- Rhyze Ventures Mentor - 2020 to 2022
WBE Canada Champion Award 2015, Recognition of outstanding contribution to affect positive change within the community of certified women businesses and diversity procurement.
Contributing author to “Awakening the Workplace, Volume 2 – Achieving Connection, Fulfillment & Success at Work”
1st Place in 2007 Toastmasters Speech Evaluation Competition at club, area, and division levels.
3rd Place in Toastmasters Speech Evaluation Competition at 2007 District 60 Toastmasters Spring Conference
Featured coach in the Toronto Star 2005 Professional Coaching series
Various awards and recognition for leadership, writing, and speaking throughout different phases of her life.