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Showing 109 Results:

Your Heroic Journey: Be Your Own Hero

Where are you in your heroic journey? This is not a rhetorical question. Nor should your answer be flippant. You are who you are today as a result of many years and experiences. And, I am sure you agree that the journey has not been particularly easy, but it has been an adventure. Out of our se...

Steps Toward Optimizing Your Mojo

How do you optimize your mojo? The loss of mojo is likely to occur when you experience an event that has the potential to derail your work and life - such as a life-threatening illness or as most of us can relate, the pandemic. Returning to work requires a certain amount of mojo: those moments w...

Steps to Reclaiming Your Mojo-A-Go-Go

Where Has Your Mojo Gone? Is your work-life currently mojo-a-go-go, no-go, or somewhere in between? The topic of lost mojo is coming up more frequently in discussions, articles, and coaching sessions. Reclaiming your mojo after a setback is key for planning a successful return to work. I observ...

How to Reignite Your Work-Life Mojo

How is your work-life mojo? This short series of blogs addresses your mojo and more specifically how to reignite your mojo. This current phenomenon of feeling the "low rumble of desire" and lack of verve and charm in our work-life is affecting more people beyond my audience of women returning to...

Secrets to the Joy of Working After 60: Stop Doing What You Don’t Like Doing

“Discover what you don’t like doing and stop doing it!” – Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know (2005) Your success in your work-life or life’s work is more about sculpting and editing rather than accumulating or building. This means examining what you don’t want in your life to ...

Secrets to the Joy of Working After 60: The Power of Purpose

In this series, we continue to explore the secrets to the joy of working after sixty - all underpinned by self-responsibility and achieving self-actualization. In this blog, we explore the power of purpose. People who experience high levels of success in their work and life report an alignment o...

Secrets to the Joy of Working After 60: Self-Responsibility and Self-Actualization

In my work, I notice more and more women working after 60. Not because they “have to”, but because they “want to”. They enjoy their work. Like myself, they describe their work as their “life’s work”. These women have created a work lifestyle that allows them to continue their professional develop...

Manage Burnout for Peak Performance: Your Mental Energy

How do you create more mental energy? Many occupations and roles require dedicated time for critical thinking, creative thinking AND decision-making. However, many of us neglect building in time for rest, workout breaks, and simple mind-wandering. Anyone who has had to make frequent and critical...

Managing Loss and Grief Series: Where the Power Lies in Loss

2020 was a year of change and transition. For everyone! Nobody has escaped the impact of COVID and the pandemic. We all know that life is about impermanence. However, the changes many of us experienced over the months have been “real and substantial” loss. Dare I say, “unprecedented”. I don’t ne...

THRIVE: Life-changing events are just that: life-changing.

Reintegrating back into work isn’t easy after a long-term absence or critical illness, for anyone – the returning employee, their co-workers, or the manager. Life goes on, or so they say, while the person is away. Work carries on, challenges are met, goals change, and the team sort of ‘re-fo...