My Life's Work
Since my very first job, I have carried the vision of making the workplace a great place for everyone, especially women.
In 1992, after a punishing year with a major corporation, I founded my own business. The name “Maestro Quality” expresses my role and the essence of how I have focused on providing a positive experience for my clients, small to medium sized businesses, and their employees.
In a symphony, the maestro's role is to interpret the music and integrate the extraordinary talent of musicians and instruments to meet and exceed the audience's expectations. Like interpreting a piece of music, I interpret and integrate business standards and best practices and coordinate my clients'Â talent and resources to create a workplace that meets and exceeds the expectations of ALL stakeholders: employers, employees, vendors, customers, and the community.
Speaking the Language of Excellence!
Drawing on personal experience, extensive business experience, and a unique approach blending Quality and Professional Coaching principles with Emotional Intelligence concepts, I choose to work with a select group of business owners, senior executives, and leaders in their professions.
My THRIVE program launched following my experience with cancer in 2013. You can read more about My Return to Work Story here.
What I am known for....
I am a standard-bearer and I love interpreting standards.
I combine consulting and coaching principles along with emotional intelligence for developing capacity and capability for individual and organizations.
I am effective in engaging individuals and entire organizations in implementing programs that meet the goals and objectives of the business and individual stakeholders.
My clients and colleagues know me for my conceptual thinking style and ability to interpret and integrate different standards for developing and implementing effective sustainable business systems leading to better workplace environments and positive impact on profitability and growth.
How do your intentions and predispositions influence your thinking and emotions in your "inner world" and manifest action and results in your "visible world"?
Learn about the 9 ways we self-sabotage"
Subscribe to the Sunday Encore Newsletter and download this 3-page mini workbook with a self-reflection exercise and a bonus FUN exercise.Â
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